the next pandemic will be a mental health pandemic

the next pandemic will be a mental health pandemic

if we are not careful, that is.

just today, i wrote my newsletter on my toxic experiences and honestly? disappointing experiences with my indian parents.

(i will say it again- indian parents are toxic as hell!)

but coming back to the topic at hand.

the next pandemic is gonna be huge, and a mental health one at that.

with all the rise in cases of mental health issues in people, and more untreated major and minor issues, is going to be the death of this world.

look, mental health disorders are not always all bad. i, citing my own example here, have a heightened capability of connecting with other people, no matter where they are from or what their background is.

i can literally talk to a rock (i mean, chee fong here is my teddy, you know?).

my boyfriend describes me as a ‘highly approachable’ human bean, and i feel it is all due to my bpd, because i myself dont think i have any common sense, or the ability to talk to others normally.

and yet, i always somehow always find myself a venting ground and a safe space for others. which makes me happy, no doubt about it.

pivoting back to the topic at hand!

mental health disorders are not always all bad, though the person having the disorder understands how bad they are. they suffer from it, and have to go about their own lives normally so as not to show to others that they are suffering, for the other’s peace of mind. which is honestly terrible.

can you imagine asking a physically unwell person to work? its the same with people who are mentally unwell. of course, work can be a factor in their mental health recovery, depending on the individual, though it is a different matter entirely.

i dont want to cite the statistics, because they may be a scientific mish mash, though at the end of the day, they severely underreport the issues at hand.

but have you ever heard of a person committing suicide? thats because of their mental health.

have you ever visited a mental health hospital and witnessed the throngs of people there? thats because of their mental health.

heck, i even once saw a vegetable seller with multiple cuts on his left forearm. isnt that because of his mental health?

only god knows, if they (god) exist, how many of us are forced to go about our lives as if nothing happened, despite the issues in their mind.

mental health is not to be underestimated. period.

what you might consider someone’s laziness might be their mental health going to shit, what you think is one man’s fear of doing something might be their tiredness of life.

one blog is not enough, never enough, to describe how an ill mind feels. it sucks, there are so many things people simply skim past and ignore just because they dont themselves go through it.

but if i had a fracture, would you ask me to go do my work? yes? no, right? then why ask me when i am mentally ill?

i am not demanding you put every mentally unhealthy person in a hospital, thats simply insane. thats not me, thats the movies the hollywood and their counterparts have made us perceive you mental health this way.

sometimes, we just need a breather. we just need to chill, and someone who tells us to relax and be happy. yes, thats all we need.

i pride myself in my ability to help people calm down when crying. although crying is not really a bad thing, it worries others.

and you know what i said to each of those 3 people, whom i stopped from crying?

hey, your smile is beautiful. please let me know if i can help you in any way?

now what escapes my reason is that if i could walk up to 2 strangers and 1 not so friendly acquaintance (maybe even frenemy or bully) to stop them from crying by giving them a few heartfelt sweet words, whats stopping you?

no matter where you are in life, no matter how important that task is, lets take a minute to help those around us who need our help, strangers, and people whom we know closely, them especially.

because the next pandemic that is going to happen is a mental health one.

and that day doesnt seem far, to be honest.

toxic parents, toxic workplaces, toxic relationships.

where are we, if anywhere at all, free from the toxicity around us?

and if this continues, do you actually think we will not be having another pandemic?

well, sorry to say, you are dead wrong.

if we want to avoid this pandemic, there is only one way to do so:

address the mental health issues.


  1. AK Gupta

    Very-very useful information, alarming people for the future health issues

    • thank you again, papa!

      and its not just the future health issues- its also about the present health issues we ignore in our daily lives.

      i am sure we all have seen people going through these issues, and then ignoring them as if they didnt exist.

      but does it really help?

      we need to come forward together and help each other.

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